Friday, April 17, 2009

Belated Easter Post

I'm finally getting around to sharing the pictures from our trip to Midland last weekend. It was a great and relaxing vacation. We left Thursday evening, and were there almost three full days before we headed back on Sunday evening. Without further ado, here are some pictures from our trip!

Jock and Pepper, hangin' out in the back seat:

On the road:

Niece Haley, throwing down a rhyme (Yo!):

We had the pleasure of going out to the movies, thanks to my father-in-law's bunch of free movie tickets. It was also little Haley's first movie. At the age of 3 1/2, she did a wonderful job of paying attention and behaving. The movie was Monsters Vs. Aliens in 3-D. Here are Branden and I in our groovy glasses:

Haley, before the movie:

A big storm moved in while we were watching the movie. This huge tumbleweed was waiting for us in the driveway when we got back:

Sunday morning, it was time to go hunt Easter Eggs. Haley was ready!:

The Hunt:
Victorious! Haley found all 25 eggs. Me, Branden, Haley and her mom/Branden's sister, Rae:

I'm a big fan of quality family time, and that's precisely what this trip provided. I'm very lucky that I married into such a great family. My in-laws are all wonderful people, and they welcomed me with open arms on my very first trip to Midland, exactly three years before this one. I'll never forget my introduction to the parents of my then-boyfriend of only three months. It was his dad's birthday, and Rae had me carry the cake in to his parents house. Our visit was a surprise - and imagine the surprise when I pressed the cake a little too close to my chest as I carried it up the steps, and walked in to meet them with icing on my boob! It couldn't have been a more perfect introduction!


Christina T said...

LOL @ the boob story. That cracks me up! I'm glad you guys had such a wonderful Easter.

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