Of what could I be speaking? Oh, just this...

Yep, we found out in February that we're expecting our second little CityBaby, due sometime around October 26 (which is smack-dab between my birthday - the 24th - and my mom's - the 27th).
After the initial shock wore off, we began to get used to the idea. We've since been to see the midwives at the birth center where Benjamin was born, and heard a beautiful, strong heartbeat at 160 bpm. Our next appointment isn't for another month, but at that one, we'll get to schedule our ultrasound - we're all excited to find out if Benjamin's getting a baby brother or a baby sister!
On another note, I must brag about all of Benji's accomplishments lately. He's growing and changing so quickly these days, it's amazing! What's he up to now?
At 25 months, he...
- Can sing the ABCs
- Can count to 13 in English, and we even heard him dabbling in some Spanish counting once
- Can sing/recite at least 5 songs/nursery rhymes, almost in their entirety ("One, Two, Buckle My Shoe", "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", "Baa Baa Black Sheep", "Ring Around the Rosie" and "Happy Birthday to You")
- Carries on short conversations and speaks in increasingly longer/more complex sentences
- Has started reciting a couple of his favorite bedtime stories, including "Brown Bear, Brown Bear"
- Loves to help with laundry, setting the table, and other simple chores
My little guy still looooves his trains. We took him to see his beloved Thomas at Day Out with Thomas a couple of weeks ago, and he had a blast.
He also loves seeing the trains on his walk to daycare every morning. This morning we were running early, so we hopped on the train and rode down one stop (it's on the way to daycare, it's just usually faster to walk than wait on the train to take us those few blocks). Of course he loved that special treat!
And lastly, I'll leave you with some of my guy's favorite phrases, which we hear many times a day around our household...
"I'ga do it"
"No like it!"
"I want milk!" "I want water!"
"What doin', Mama?"
"I fall down!" (said with a laugh, as most of his falls these days are on purpose)
"Help, help, Mama!"
"Where Daddy go?"
"Where goin', Daddy?"
How I love that boy! And how I look forward to loving your baby girl when she arrives (the power of positive thinking, right?)
Congratulations on your exciting news! And um, how the heck did Ben get to be 25 months ALREADY?!
Aww! Congratulations! and Yay Ben!!
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